The Rules as approved by the R.C.G.A. will govern all play except as modified by Local Rules.
All persons on or about Mulligans Golf Course assume all risk of injury to themselves and liability to others for their acts while on the premises.
1. Please follow standard golf etiquette by replacing your divots, repair ball marks on greens, and raking of sand traps as necessary.
2. All players or persons in, or about the golf course assume all risk of injury to themselves or their property and also assume all liability to others for their acts while on the premises. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to the course, and also the right to cancel playing privileges at any time;
3. Water hazards are defined by Yellow stakes. Lateral water hazards are defined by red stakes and out of bounds is marked with white stakes;
4. FREE LIFT - drop ball two club lengths from nearest point of relief, not near the hole for; -staked trees under six feet, French stone covered drains, flower beds, stone paths, buildings, sprinkler heads, large stones, ground under repair, or any other man made obstruction;
5. No walkers or caddies allowed. No admittance on course without paid green fees;
6. Play without delay;
7. Minimum age limit- 10 years;
8. Pro Shop reserves the right to pair up players;
9. One ball limit per player.
Course Etiquette can also be found on the back of the scorecard.