Course Policies
Power Carts:
The operation of a Power Cart is at the sole risk of the operator. The operator will be held fully responsible for any and all damages that occur while the Power Cart(s) is in his or her custody. This includes covering the full repair costs of any damage done to the Power Cart(s).
The Superintendent reserves the right to close the golf course to all Power Cart access when adverse weather and or overly saturated conditions may endanger the well being of our customers or cause undue damage to turf conditions.
Power Cart operators must be at least 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license and must obey all cart traffic rules and directional efforts.
For the safety of those using a Power Cart on course, carts must not be taken onto the sloped areas around greens, fairways, or hazards at any time.
Power Carts are to be driven on healthy turf whenever possible and must not be driven in any soft, saturated areas or on any dormant grass during dry season.
Power Carts must remain on paths wherever provided, especially near tees and greens.
Pull Carts:​​​
Pull Carts are not permitted on tees, to be pulled across tees and greens, green aprons or between greens and bunkers.
Pro Shop & Golf Course:
The Pro Shop reserves the right to pair up players.
Caddies and or walk-alongs must pay the current green fee rate for admittance onto the Golf Course.
Players must repair all ball marks and divots on greens, fairways and tees.
All persons on or about the premises of Mulligans Golf Course or any other facilities assume all risk of injury to themselves and all liability to others for their acts while on the premises.
Mulligans Golf Course reserves the right to make changes to any and or all prices without notice.
Each Golfer must have their own set of clubs- Golfers are not permitted to share a set of clubs.
Golfers are asked to please follow proper Golf Course Etiquette, which can be found here, and on the back of the scorecard.
No outside alcohol- strictly enforced. No social gatherings of any size are permitted in the parking lot or overflow parking lot areas. Note: Drinking alcoholic beverages in the parking lot is in contravention of our liquor license and could result in personal fines from the RCMP/Liquor Inspector in addition to citations and harsh penalties/suspensions to the golf club. Tailgating will not be allowed in the parking lot.
Tee-Time Cancellations and Changes:
The Pro Shop must be given a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the booking with any changes or cancellations.
Guests that disobey Power Cart and standard Golf Course operation rules or cause damage to the Golf Course or Power Cart(s) may be subject to the suspension of Golf Course, Golf Course Facilities, and Power Cart privileges.